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Use FavePay and Earn 5% Cashback!

Now available as a payment method on our online store! For every purchase, get a 5% cashback and it will be deducted on your next purchase total amount.

GrabPay is also available via FavePay app.

For more information, please visit for the FavePay terms & conditions.

FavePay Cashback has been updated to 3% as of August 2021.

favepay 5% cashback pet supplies buy online pet shop singapore pawpy kisses.

How it Works?

Please take note that the 5% cashback is based on the final transaction amount and the process will continue to repeat.

1st Transaction (Example)

Receipt amount of $100.

Total payable amount is $100.

Earn 5% Cashback of $5.

2nd Transaction (Example)

Receipt amount of $100.

Total payable amount is $100 - $5 (previous cashback) = $95

Earn 5% Cashback of $4.75.

3rd Transaction (Example)

Receipt amount of $100.

Total payable amount is $100 - $4.75 (previous cashback) = $95.25

Earn 5% Cashback of $4.76.

How to use FavePay payment on our online store?

  1. Checkout on our online store and choose "FavePay" as the payment method.
  2. Open the Fave app on your smartphone. You can download the app via your mobile phone app store.
  3. Search for "Pawpy Kisses" and press the green "Pay" button.
  4. Input the correct amount reflected in your order and press continue.
  5. Complete the order on our online store.


Once completed, please WhatsApp message to +65 8798 4392 or email us with the screenshot of the transaction and inform us of your order number.

Our team will only process your order after the verification of the complete payment.

FavePay Refund Policy

For FavePay payment refund, Pawpy Kisses will send a refund request to Fave. Depending on the type of payment you have used via FavePay, the refund process can be different.

For more information on FavePay refund policy, please go to the FavePay app under "Me" in the FAQ.